Palantir’s Path to Power (Series)

Ticket: 25 euros 
Free for org team 
Beginning: 27th of Semptember at 8pm  
End: 29th of September at 12pm  


Friday 27th

20:00 - Opening  
21:00-02:00 - roleplay  
02:00 - Sleep 

Saturday 28th

9:00-10:00 - breakfast 
10:00-13:00 - trainings 
13:00-14:00 - lunch 
14:00-02:00 - roleplay 
19:00-20:00 - dinner 

Sunday 29th

9:00-10:00 - breakfast 
10:00-10:30 - closing words 
10:30-12:00 - packing up 

Transportation info:

Closest bus stop: Kurtna tee (2.8 km from location) Closest train stop: Kiisa (5.1km from location) Sign up to builduing crew and get a car lift to the game and back! 

Accomodation info:

The Manor: sleeping indoor on the floor (up to 20 places) 
The Spa: sleeping indoor on the floor (up to 10 places) 
Tent: area for OG tents and IG tents 

Food and drinks:

Tavern of the Headless Chicken will be open! 
Saturday lunch: Bodwar Farsight´s soup 
Saturday dinner: Bodwar Farsight´s potato salad 
For breakfast hot water so anyone can decide whether they want only coffee or noodles or porridge or etc. 


Numenorian merchant Alduin, also known as Baldurum, was sent by King Ar-Aganisil to explore distant lands at the edge of the world. During his journey, Baldurum discovered clues suggesting the location of a Palantír hidden within the ruins of an ancient fortress. He immediately returned to Numenor to inform the King of his findings. 

After a victorious return from the Battle of the Nordic Equinox, a grand feast was held in celebration. It was during the feast that Baldurum shared his discoveries with the King. From a cryptex, they extracted coordinates of the Palantír and a piece of jewelry, leading the King to establish a new camp. He appointed Lord Gimilkhad, the Master of War, to train new recruits and prepare the army for an impending battle. 

The Numenorian Council also decided to establish an outpost at the edge of a forest, relocating the court there to gather more information about the Palantír. Once the outpost was established, the High Court planned to hold trials to enforce discipline within the army, punishing those who disobeyed the laws of the Council and the King. 

Meanwhile, a group of Haradrim mercenaries, led by their captain Khamir, were summoned by the King. Their task was twofold: protect the royal family from growing rumors surrounding the Queen, and punish any traitors. They were also ordered to guard any artifacts of the Shadow Realm that might be discovered. 

Mapping the unfamiliar lands was a priority for the Black Numenorians, and Lord Delioron was assigned to lead this mission. His responsibilities included ensuring the safety of the Numenorians by detecting and neutralizing any traps in these uncharted territories. 

Amidst this, rumors began to circulate about a lost queen of the Numenorians, said to be wandering the forest in search of power. She was once the last leader before the Numenorians were reunited under a single king. Now, with shadows and doubts arising, some began to question the legitimacy of the current ruler, threatening to divide the Numenorians once more. 

At the training camp, the tavern became a central hub for exchanging information. Adventurous Numenorians would visit the Headless Chicken, where the tavern keeper, Bodwar Farsight, was known for his knowledge of forest rumors and the hidden paths to the Palantír. 

Any discoveries of magical barriers or artefacts in the forest were to be reported to the mages of the Academy of Numenor. Led by Lady Dreadful, the Mother Reverend, these mages were responsible for researching and dispelling these barriers. It was rumored that attempting to breach these magical defenses without proper knowledge could have dire consequences for both body and soul. Lady Dreadful hoped to uncover the secrets that would lead the Numenorians to the Palantír. 

At the outpost, the blacksmith Reas, known as The Chopper, set up a forge to repair and enchant armor using magical artefacts found in the forest. Enchanting armor with these spells could grant the wearer increased power, control, or even immortality. However, mishandling these artifacts could result in a terrible curse. Baldurum warned that some members of his original expedition had succumbed to such curses, and their souls were now lost forever, wandering the forest as cursed shadows.