• ROLE: Warrior
  • CLASS: Heavy Infantry (Tank/Shield Wall)
  • LIFE: Points: 2
  • MANA: Points 1 (will loose consciousness upon using for 15min)
  • ARMOUR POINTS: Yes (max 5)

The BlackGuard are made up of  8 Veteran members.

  • RP DIFFICULTY: Medium/High
  • PHYSICAL: Very High
Being a member of the BlackGuard is an extremely prestigious role as the personal infantry of the Lord Commander himself.  It is the highest rank one can achieve as a non-officer. With great honor comes great responsibility. The role and class is medium to heavy in role play aspects but definitely taxing for ones purse and physicality.  The BlackGuard is comprised of 8 members only.

Expectations for Character creation: 

  • BODY ARMOUR: You will be expected to wear the uniform of the BlackGuard, setting yourself apart from all others in the army.  This uniform will be disclosed to you upon joining the BlackGuard.
  • HELMET: As the highest ranking unit you will be expected to wear the "Helm of the BlackGuard" in combat for your safety. 
  • GAMBESON: It's protection for you from our enemies and your armor. This is also a personal item which can be bought or handmade for you
  • TOWER SHIELD: As you will be participating in the shield wall during our battle scenarios you must wear a tower shield provided by the Royal Armoury.
  • ONE HANDED SWORD or SPEAR: We will provide you with weapons fit with our game and safety standards.
Other Expectations: As it is more physically taxing Class and Role we strongly recommend working on your strength and stamina to be fit to wear your heavy gear and be able to enjoy the game!