Where to begin…?

Costumes can vary from a very simple purchased "camp" garbs to intricate custom crafted garments, each player can dress themselves how they see fit based on available budget and skills. However in order to provide an immersive experience we need to set some standards.

Our color pallet: 
Black and Dark Blue (avoid red and white) 

The Order of Black Numenoreans works in collaboration with Epic Armoury.

All members receive a special discount of -20% on all items when procuring via our collective orders

Base layers & Entry Level Options

Base layers or simple entry level garbs are the simplest, quickest and cheapest option to get in character. These normally consist:
  • Pair of trousers made from either linen or cotton (or some other natural blend)
  • Loose fitting shirt or tunic, also made from natural materials
Below are some examples where to acquire such items.

Tunics and shirts:


Keep in mind, your chosen items should look apart of the medieval fantasy theme of our events!


Body Armor options:


  • https://epicarmoury.com/products/2541-eventide-shoulders



Accessories take your garb from basic to something unique and make it part of your character: 
  • A belt for your everyday goods
  • Hoods
  • Capes, Cloaks and Vests
  • Bags
  • Braces or other armour (easy armour points!)
  • Jug for your water
  • Jewelry 
Below are some examples where to acquire such items.
  • Make it yourself! Pick up the challenge and create your own customized look


Let’s put it in action!

The following series of images should help to illustrate how to take your look from peasant to lord by using some accessories listed above!  
Fun fact! All items shown are hand made or thrifted, there is no requirement to break the bank to build your character.

More inspiration